Bio Maqui – 120 g


Bio Maqui:

  • 100% powdered maqui berries
  • Eco certificate
  • A powerful antioxidant
  • A 100% natural product

Weight: 120 g

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Bio Maqui – powdered berries full of beneficial properties

Maqui berries can boast one of the highest antioxidant capacities from among all the tested fruit, expressed in the ORAC scale. It amounts to 27,600 units per 100 g of powdered berries. For comparison, the antioxidant capacity of fresh raspberries is 19220, chokeberries – 16062 and blueberries – 9621.
Biowen’s Bio Maqui is a certified product with EU Organic certification. We offer powdered maqui berries in a dark glass bottle with an aluminum screw cap. This protects them from sunlight, which could negatively affect their properties.
We have added a 1 g measuring spoon to the product. It makes measuring out a portion convenient and easy.

Bio Maqui – Properties

Powdered 100% natural maqui berries have many advantages and beneficial properties:

  • They improve your well-being,
  • Have antioxidant properties,
  • Are a natural product that delays the ageing process, making your skin look better,
  • Maqui berries are a source of a vast array of antioxidants – phenolic acids, flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins and alkaloids,
  • Are a source of calcium, iron, potassium,
  • Facilitate proper functioning of the immune system.

Bio Maqui – How to use

The recommended daily dose is 3 g.
Powdered fruit can be added to:

  • cocktails,
  • ice cream,
  • homemade bars,
  • oatmeal,
  • desserts and pudding.

Maqui berries are also used as a natural colouring in food, beverages and wines.

Bio Maqui extract 70% – Ingredients

Bio Maqui Berries 100% (Aristotelia chilensis), powdered.

storage conditions


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