5% CBD Oil + D3K2 – 10ml


5% CBD Oil + D3K2:

  • 5% CBD Oil enriched with natural vitamins D3 and K2
  • CBD in the concentration of 5%
  • full spectrum of phytonutrients
  • one drop contains 2.5 mg of CBD and 17 mcg of vitamin D3 as well as 33 ug of K2MK-7
  • the product is certified
  • 100% natural

Capacity: 10 ml

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Learn more about 5% CBD Oil with natural vitamins D3 from lanolin and K2 from natto – synergy of comprehensive support

Learn more about 5% CBD Oil + D3K2, an innovative hemp product, whose composition was enriched with natural vitamin D3 from lanolin (cholecalciferol) and natural vitamin K2Mk-7 (menaquinone-7). A bottle of the supplement will provide you with 500 mg of CBD along with a full spectrum of other phytonutrients and 3400 mcg of vitamin D3 as well as 6600 ug of vitamin K2MK-7.
One bottle of CBD Oil with vitamins contains 200 drops. So, one drop contains 2.5 mg of CBD and 17 mcg of vitamin D3 as well as 33 ug of K2MK-7.

Apart from cannabinoids and natural vitamin D3 from lanolin and K2 from natto, the Oil also contains all phytonutrients from hemp: terpenes, phenols and flavonoids.
To ensure that you can enjoy high product quality and safety of use, each batch is comprehensively tested. You will find the research and the results in Section: Certificates and Approvals.

What is 5% CBD Oil + D3K2 – 10ml?

High concentration in each drop
Each drop of 5% CBD Oil with D3K2 contains a guaranteed amount of CBD and natural vitamins D3 and K2 specified on the package. A drop of 5% CBD Hemp Oil equals more than 2.5 mg of CBD and a full spectrum of phytonutrients as well as 17 mcg of vitamin D3 and 33 ug of K2MK-7.

Only natural components
5% CBD Oil + D3K2 is a 100% natural product. Hemp extract is not enriched with any CBD crystals or synthetic components. Vitamins D3 and K2 are natural and derived from lanolin and fermented soya respectively.

100% Polish product
We manufacture 5% CBD Oil + D3K2 ourselves, just like each our product – and thus, as a manufacturer, we can supervise its quality at every single stage. Hemp used for the production is sourced from Polish natural crops without any trace of chemicals.

Addition of natural vitamins D3K2
Best-selling CBD extract has been enriched with natural vitamin D3 and natural vitamin K2. Both are fat-soluble and have a high degree of assimilability.

Properties of Hemp Oil

Including hemp oil in your daily diet is a great way of introducing additional hemp ingredients as well. It will help you:

  • introduce hemp phytonutrients into your diet,
  • enrich your diet, by including unsaturated Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids,
  • strengthen your natural resistance,
  • make sure your cardiovascular system is supported,
  • ensure cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the blood are regulated,
  • make sure your skin is appropriately hydrated and looks healthy.

Properties of natural vitamins D3 and K2

Vitamins D3 and K2 are what your body needs to function properly. In the climate zone in which Poland is located, the supplementation of these vitamins is essential.
Here are some of the properties of vitamin D3:

  • helps to keep your bones and teeth healthy,
  • supports the immune system and its functioning,
  • helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus,
  • supports muscle function.
  • Vitamin D3 should be taken in combination with vitamin D3 – that’s why we have combined them into one product.

Some of the properties of vitamin K2MK-7:

  • supports bones and teeth
  • ensures adequate blood coagulability
  • supports the cardiovascular system

CBD supplementation – how to consume 5% CBD Hemp Oil + D3K2?

The recommended daily dose of 5% CBD Oil + D3K2 is one drop, 3 times a day.

Nutrition information:
One drop of 5% CBD Oil + D3K2 contains 2.5 mg of CBD and 17 mcg of natural vitamin D3 from lanolin (cholecalciferol) as well as 33 ug of K2MK-7 from natto (menaquinone-7).
Three drops of 5% CBD Oil + D3K2 contain 7.5 mg of phytonutrients and 50 mcg of natural vitamin D3 from lanolin (cholecalciferol) as well as 99 ug of K2MK-7 from natto (menaquinone-7).
5% CBD Oil + D3K2 – Ingredients
Natural vitamin D3 from lanolin (cholecalciferol), natural vitamin K2MK-7 from natto, hemp extract from cannabis Sativa L. flowers with phytonutrients, cold-pressed hemp oil from true hemp seeds.

storage conditions

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