CBD oil for animals

CBD oil has become very popular in recent years among people, who have started using it for its wide-ranging properties. Shortly after hemp oil became a desirable product on the market, hemp oil for animals also appeared.

Table of contents:
    1. Is CBD oil safe for animals?
    2. Is CBD oil for humans different from CBD oil for animals?
    3. Benefits of using CBD in the diet of animals
    4. How to administer CBD oil to pets?

Is hemp oil safe for animals?

CBD can be considered safe for animals, although it is important to consider that there may be some side effects if used improperly or if too much of the product is consumed at once. The most common ones include1:

  • temporary drop in blood pressure;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • changes in appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • coordination problems.

It is worth noting, however, that when using the recommended portions, side effects of hemp oil consumption in animals are very rare.

Is CBD oil for humans different from the one for animals?

In terms of composition, CBD oil for humans and CBD oil for animals are the same. There is absolutely no difference between the composition of the two products, moreover, CBD oil for humans can be successfully used in animals. Many people who use CBD give their pets the same product.

On the market, you can find preparations with the addition of other oils, such as cod or salmon, to encourage pets to consume hemp oil. In most cases, however, there are no problems with giving the oil to a dog or cat - they usually like the hemp flavor. And if you happen to have a pet with a more delicate palate, you can always add the oil to your pet's favorite treat.

Thus, there is no need to buy special preparations designed exclusively for animals when it comes to this product.

CBD - sposób na poprawę samopoczucia Twojego czoronoga - CBD dla zwierząt

Benefits of using CBD in pets' diets

Is it worth implementing CBD oil into our pet's diet? Of course it is! Hemp oil with CBD provides a number of benefits to a pet's diet:
  • provides phytonutrients to your pet,
  • introduces omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 acids into their diet,
  • supports their natural immunity,
  • takes care of their cardiovascular system
  • makes their skin and coat healthy and shiny.

Hemp oil in the diet of a dog, cat or even a horse or other animal has many benefits, so it is worth giving it to them. It is worth ensuring that our four-legged friends get good quality products, so they can enjoy being in a good condition for a long time.

How to administer hemp oil to your pets?

It is best to start with a low concentration and small portions to see how our pet will react to a new addition to the diet. Gradually, you can increase the portions of the oil, adding 1-2 drops every 2-3 weeks.

CBD is most often available in the form of pet oil, which can be given along with your pet's favorite treats or on its own, if your pet doesn't turn its nose up at the smell of the product. If you are dealing with a pet that is more picky, it is a good idea to add a measured portion of CBD oil to your pet's favorite treat or, for example, cold cuts, and thus smuggle the oil into your pet's diet.

Usually, however, animals have no problem consuming CBD oil and eagerly lick their muzzle after their portion of the product. Hemp oil has a rather pungent taste, but for some reason animals (with few exceptions) like it. Maybe their inner instinct tells them that it's something good for them?

CBD dla zwierząt: 10 rzeczy, których nie wiedziałeś o zastosowaniu oleju CBD u Twojego psa
  1. https://www.stonerchef.pl/olej-cbd-dla-zwierzat-stosowanie-korzysci-jak-dawkowac/
  2. https://bio-factory.pl/article/roznica-miedzy-olejami-cbd-dla-ludzi-i-psow
  3. https://hempking.eu/pl/cbd-sposob-na-poprawe-samopoczucia-naszego-czworonoga/
  4. https://johndog.pl/blog/zdrowie/co-wiemy-o-konopiach-o-oleju-konopnym-i-cbd/