Active Bio Hemp Protein – 250 g


Active Bio Hemp Protein:

  • Bio hemp protein with ashwagandha, vegetables, fruit and spices
  • EU Organic certified
  • helps maintain vitality and endurance
  • supports immunity
  • 100% plant-based, suitable for vegans and vegetarians
  • 100% pure composition
  • contains a measuring spoon made of biodegradable materials

Weight: 250g

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Active Bio Hemp Protein – high-quality proteins for supporting endurance and vitality

Active BIO Hemp Protein consists in 50% of hemp protein and the remaining ingredients are BIO turmeric 5%, BIO ginger 5%, BIO ashwaghanda (Withania somnifera) 5%, BIO baobab 5%, BIO banana 5%, BIO broccoli 5%, BIO spinach 5%, BIO beetroot 5%, BIO kale 5% and BIO lucuma 5%.
Active Bio Hemp Protein is more than just a plant-based protein powder that will add variety to your diet. It is a high-quality organic product, designed to have a comprehensive effect thanks to its carefully selected ingredients!
Due to its rich composition, which includes adaptogens, namely Ashwagandha, as well as vegetables (broccoli, spinach, beetroot, kale), fruit (banana, baobab, lucuma), and spices (ginger and turmeric), the protein, apart from having nutritional properties, also supports immunity, supplements your diet with vitamins, at the same time supporting vitality and endurance.
Plus, inside the jar you’ll find a biodegradable measuring spoon to help you measure out the perfect portions of product.

Active Bio Hemp Protein:

  • an interesting way to add variety to your diet,
  • a mix of vegetables, fruit and spices,
  • 100% organic composition,
  • contains omega acids,
  • complete essential amino acids,
  • contains fibre for better digestion,
  • ashwagandha to support activeness.

Our Active Bio Protein has been cold pressed. This method allows our product to retain its nutritional value!

Why include it in your diet?

In the era of processed food, full of heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides, it is important to go for organic products, from organic crops, which are properly certified. Our Bio Hemp Protein is EU Organic certified, which proves that the product is organic.
Apart from hemp itself, the Hemp Protein contains other ingredients that have been carefully selected to support your activeness! This is a great product for the people who regularly engage in physical activity, play sports and spend a lot of time working out.
Protein is what builds your muscles and therefore your entire body. This plant-based combination of ingredients makes it easier for you to gain muscle mass and be more energetic, helping you burn unwanted calories or body fat.
Active Bio Hemp Protein contains a lot of fibre, namely 21 g/100 g of the product! Thanks to fibre, you are satiated. It also supports your digestive system, making it work properly.

Our Active Bio Hemp Protein also contains:

  • Vitamin C, which supports the immune system, prevents the feeling of fatigue and supports the absorption of iron.
  • Calcium to support healthy blood clotting, muscles, bones and teeth.
  • Phosphorus, which takes care of the correct energy metabolism.
  • Vitamin A to support skin, vision and the immune system.
  • Magnesium, which helps in maintaining electrolyte balance and proper protein synthesis in your body.
  • Vitamin B1, or thiamine. It makes your energy metabolism and your heart work properly.
  • Iron, which helps transport oxygen in your body and prevent the feeling of fatigue.

Bio Hemp Protein is called a whole protein, because it contains essential amino acids.
Active Bio Hemp Protein contains 32 g of protein/100 g of the product.
It contains no lactose or gluten.
Our Active Bio Hemp Protein is EU Organic certified, which confirms that the product is organic.

Who can use?

Active Bio Hemp Protein is a product designed for all those who:

  • play sports and exercise intensively,
  • lead an active lifestyle,
  • do physical work and need to support their vitality of mind,
  • want to increase muscle tissue or burn excess pounds,
  • are trying to eat healthily,
  • follow a low-protein or a plant-based diet,
  • Want to eat organic products with pure composition,
  • need to support their vitality and endurance.

Ingredients and Nutritional Value

BIO hemp protein 50%, BIO turmeric 5%, BIO ginger 5%, BIO ashwaghanda (Withania somnifera) 5%, BIO baobab 5%, BIO banana 5%, BIO broccoli 5%, BIO spinach 5%, BIO beetroot 5%, BIO kale 5%, BIO lucuma 5%.
Nutritional value of Active Bio Hemp Protein in 100 g:

How to use 

3 measuring spoons (15 g) per day. On workout days, take 6 measuring spoons (15 g) of the product once daily, preferably after the workout. You can add the product to your favourite smoothie, oatmeal, pancakes, home-baked cakes or drink it with water.


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