Cannabis food – High quality

Get to know the hemp food that will provide your body with valuable nutrients directly from Mother Nature. Enjoy our cannabis superfoods that we have prepared with you in mind.
We have created an interesting product line for you, which includes:

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  1. unrefined hemp oil
  2. Loose hemp tea and in sachets
  3. unshelled hemp seeds
  4. Hemp protein in 3 flavors

Hemp food: What is hemp oil and what to use it for?
Our hemp oil is a cold pressed product made of the best quality hemp seeds. It is a 100% natural product that does not undergo any chemical modification, is not refined or processed. It does not contain coloring additives or preservatives – its smell and taste come directly from nature.
You can successfully use it in your kitchen as a healthy and delicious addition to your dishes. Hemp food contains unsaturated fatty acids omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9. Our hemp oil is also an excellent care ingredient that you can successfully apply to your skin and hair, thanks to which you will naturally strengthen them, nourish and add shine.

Hemp food: Hemp tea – properties and use
Our hemp tea based on natural hemp is a simple and pleasant way to provide your body with many valuable substances. Nutrients derived directly from hemp will make you taste the natural aromas again.
You only need a few minutes to enjoy the amazing taste and smell that you will love from the first use. Convenient sachets greatly facilitate the preparation and brewing process.
You can also choose a loose option and adjust the amount of dried material in the cup to your liking. Just one glass of our hemp tea will make you enjoy the hemp flavor. In our store you will find a version for immunity, a better day, and also supporting metabolism!
Teas contain ingredients that affect our body in this way.
Try it and see for yourself today!

Hemp Food: Hemp seeds - a simple way to enrich your diet

Hemp Food: Hemp seeds - a simple way to enrich your diet

Our hemp seeds are a delicious product that we obtain directly from proven hemp crops. The hemp seeds we have prepared for you are among the ingredients of the superfoods range. A characteristic feature of hemp food is the synergy between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, it is a source of protein and fiber, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E.
You can use hemp seeds successfully in your diet to add variety to your meals.

  • Use them:
    for sandwiches,
  • for salads and salads,
  • for oatmeal and healthy breakfasts,
  • for all kinds of desserts,
  • for pasta dishes,
  • for cakes,
  • to create your own sandwich pastes or homemade hummus,
  • as a base for hemp soup.

Enjoy hemp food today – don’t wait, check it out now!

Hemp Food: Hemp Protein - Three Variants to Enrich Your Diet

Bio hemp protein in three versions: 100% hemp, cocoa and banana. It is a product suitable for vegans and vegetarians, but not only! This is a product that has a high protein content per 100g!
It also contains a lot of fiber that our digestive system needs!

Bio hemp protein will fit perfectly into your diet if:

  • you lead an active life and need more protein in your diet,
  • you are trying to gain muscle mass,
  • you are looking for a proven source of vegetable protein,
  • you love organic and bio products
  • you take care of what is on your plate.
Hemp Food: Hemp Protein - Three Variants to Enrich Your Diet