Hemp & Research

what is hcc

HHC - what is it?

Hemp is a plant with a very wide range of phytochemicals that act in different ways. In addition to terpenes, flavonoids and many other substances, a large group are cannabinoids - constituents that are primarily characteristic of hemp. Scientists have already identified about 100 different compounds of this type. One...

Standardization and DER

DER and Standardization

Many supplements and medications contain herbal extracts with various health benefits for the entire body. Unfortunately, what the manufacturer declares on the packaging isn't always accurately reflected in the product. Therefore, this article provides insights into how to check the quality of products and what to consider when purchasing them.


What is CBN?

CBN - What is it?

Among the palette of the many phytosubstances contained in hemp, there are about 100 different cannabinoids - more and less common. Cannabinol, although it was discovered first, is among those less well-known, as well as less researched compounds compared to CBD or THC. What exactly is CBN and what is...

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