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Is CBD and marijuana possession legal in Slovakia

Is marijuana and CBD possession legal in Slovakia?

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Slovakia is another European country whose legal situation regarding hemp products has changed recently. This is especially true for CBD oil, which was illegal in the country for many years, even when most western countries decided to allow its sale. What is the situation regarding the possession and sale of marijuana and CBD in Slovakia?

Slovakia the only EU country with a ban on CBD?

For a long time, hemp products such as CBD were on the list of psychoactive substances in Slovakia. It wasn’t until May 1, 2021, that new legislation went into effect that legalized some products with pure CBD in the country.

This was the result of Slovakia’s adjustment of laws and regulations. These regulations were approved by the European Commission, regarding CBD status, food standards and EU free trade guarantees.

Slovakia was the last European Union member country where CBD products were still considered narcotic substances. However, after the Health Minister passed an amendment to follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence, Slovakia opened up to naturally produced CBD products. Currently, the hemp industry in the country is starting to gain momentum, although from a legal standpoint, only the sale of pure CBD cosmetics at outlets other than Slovak pharmacy chains is allowed.

HempKing CBD oil – delivery to Slovakia

You can legally order HempKing CBD oils to Slovakia (you can also go to Slovakia on vacation with them).

Below: full spectrum oils containing the full spectrum of phytonutrients. Check the price of delivery to Slovakia:

What concentrations of THC are allowed in hemp products in Slovakia?

Although the changes that have taken place in the legalization of CBD in Slovakia have reverberated around the country, in practice these are not great modifications. Although CBD is no longer considered a narcotic and psychoactive substance, the Slovak government still allows the ingredient to be used only in cosmetic products and only in the form of pure CBD, not containing THC. It remains illegal to use CBD oils for oral administration.

It’s hard to say whether there will be any changes in this regard in the near future. With the legalization of CBD cosmetics, it seems that Slovakia has become more open to hemp products. At the same time, it still does not allow CBD products to be used orally. Despite the restrictive regulations, CBD-based products – ointments, cosmetics and even supplements – are relatively easily available in Slovakia. They are usually imported from neighboring countries. Slovakia is characterized by a small production of hemp, as unclear legislation for many years was the cause of problems for entrepreneurs engaged in this type of business. With the amendment to the law, it is estimated that the CBD market will become more acceptable and will be able to develop freely in Slovakia.

Is marijuana legal in Slovakia?

Could a country where CBD is illegal legalize marijuana? Of course, cannabis is considered a drug in Slovakia. Nevertheless, marijuana is quite popular. Especially among young residents, who get it mainly from the black market. Marijuana is smuggled into the country from neighboring countries, most often from the Czech Republic. According to surveys, about ⅓ of young Slovaks have tried cannabis at least once in their lives.

As for drug laws in Slovakia, they are quite strict, as the law does not distinguish between light and heavy drugs. The punishment for the crime of drug possession or sale ranges from three years in prison to even life imprisonment. Nonetheless, the legal framework takes into account the value of the drugs a person will be caught with. And that’s why cannabis users usually get lower penalties. That’s because cannabis is less important on the street market than harder drugs.

Slovakia admittedly legalized hemp cultivation in 2003. Since then, farmers have been allowed to grow marijuana in Slovakia if the THC concentration is no more than 0.2%. Such plantations are not very popular, however, due to the uncertain legality of CBD itself in the country.

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