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Properties and contraindications of Spirulina

Spirulina - properties and contraindications

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Spirulina is a blue-green algae that gets its name from its shape, which resembles a spiral. Indeed, the name spirulina comes from the word spiral. Its health-promoting properties were appreciated a very long time ago by the Aztecs. The algae was sold by them in markets in the form of very valuable green cookies. [1]
Spirulina is included in the group of superfoods. In addition, it is very popular around the world due to its medicinal properties. The alga is currently cultivated in Africa and South America.
The US Pharmacopeial Convention has issued a positive opinion on the use of spirulina and confirmed its safety in the diet. When buying spirulina, we should pay attention to whether the manufacturer includes the appropriate certifications, as it may otherwise be contaminated with toxic substances like aluminum.

Spirulina – properties

Spirulina boasts a significant protein content, admittedly not with as good an amino acid composition as animal products, but better than most plant products. Supplements containing this alga can therefore supplement vegan and vegetarian diets with the essential amino acids needed for the proper functioning of our bodies. Thanks to its high protein content (as much as 60-70% by weight), it is also often referred to as  “green meat.”[1]

The alga will be a valuable part of the diet we want to supplement with vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for proper vision, maintaining full health and is also responsible for the condition of hair, skin and nails. Vitamin A in spirulina will be found in the form of β-carotene.

Daily diet is often deficient in omega-3 acids, which will be found in spirulina. They are essential for the proper functioning of the body. In addition, omega-3 acids are needed for brain development. In spirulina there is also gamma-linolenic acid, which affects the lowering of , “bad” cholesterol and prevents heart disease. [2]

Spirulina is a source of many vitamins like vitamin A, C, D, E and B vitamins. Vitamins in our diet perform a huge number of functions like strengthening the body’s immunity and speeding up wound healing. When we want to take care of the condition of our skin, hair and nails, it is worth ensuring an adequate supply of these components in the diet. [2,3]

Iron is an essential element for our body. For it is a component of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells in our body. Spirulina contains 28.5 mg of iron, so it will be an ideal addition to vegan, vegetarian and reducing diets.

Spirulina and weight control

Taking spirulina supplements supports weight management. Fiber supports this function of spirulina through changes in intestinal function such as decreasing passage time, increasing stool volume or increasing the frequency of intestinal movements so-called , “worm movements”.
In addition, spirulina contains a small amount of saturated fatty acids, which we try to avoid in our diet. In addition, this health-promoting algae contains B vitamins among others biotin, which affects our energy metabolism.

Maintaining normal blood glucose levels

We are hearing more and more about diseases of civilization. One such disease is type 2 diabetes, which affects more than 3 million people in Poland alone. Unfortunately, statistics show that every year more and more people will struggle with diabetes. In addition, more and more children are struggling with this ailment. Therefore, we should introduce superfoods such as spirulina into our diet, which influence the maintenance of normal sugar levels. [3]

Contraindications to the use of this algae

Spirulina is considered a very safe product, but it is best, as with any supplementation, to consult a doctor. People who should pay special attention when using a spirulina product are pregnant and nursing women.
When choosing spirulina, it is important to pay attention to whether it has the necessary certifications, as these are what give us a guarantee of quality. An example of such spirulina is BIO spirulina from Biowen, which will allow us to enjoy all the beneficial advantages of this green-blue alga.


Consumption of spirulina depends on its content in the product. Most often, the manufacturer posts the recommended daily serving, so when choosing it, it is not worthwhile to be guided only by the price, but also by the content of the alga in the product. Daily recommended servings in products vary greatly because from 3 grams to as much as 10 grams.

Spirulina – nutritional values

Spirulina in 100 grams of product contains about 350 calories. This caloricity is associated with a significant amount of protein in the product because as much as 60 grams. In addition, the alga contains a small amount of carbohydrates and a significant amount of fiber because as much as 8 grams. When considering buying this health-promoting substance, it is worth noting the content of vitamin C, E, D and B vitamins. In addition, it contains a significant amount of iron, copper and magnesium.

Recipes for delicious meals

Spirulina can be used as an addition to smoothies, ice cream, salads and cakes. Also, we can dissolve it directly in water. Below are some interesting recipes for meals containing this alga.

Green energy cocktail


  • 1 glass of vegetable drink (such as oatmeal, almond),
  • medium-sized apple,
  • banana,
  • 1 scoop of bio spirulina Biowen,
  • 3 handfuls of kale,
  • 1 tsp. honey,
  • 1 tsp of shelled seeds.


  1. Place all ingredients except shelled seeds in the bowl of a blender.
  2. Blend to a smooth paste.
  3. Add shelled seeds to the finished smoothie.

Green pudding with chia and raspberry mousse

Ingredients for pudding:

  • A glass of coconut drink,
  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds,
  • 1 measure of spirulina
  • 1 tsp. xylitol,
  • a couple of strawberries.

Ingredients for mousse:

  • 1 cup of raspberries.

Method of preparation:

  1. Pour coconut milk over chia seeds and set aside for a couple of hours.
  2. After this time, we add xylitol, spirulina and mix intensively.
  3. We cut strawberries and place them gently in the pudding.
  4. Meanwhile, pour 2-3 tablespoons of water over the raspberries and boil until a mousse is formed.
  5. We pour the finished cooled mousse over the pudding. Enjoy!


  1. DiNicolantonio J. J., Bhat A. G., OKeefe J.: Effects of spirulina on weight loss and blood lipids: a review.2020.
  2. Finamore A., Palmery M., Bensehaila S., Peluso I.: Antioxidant, Immunomodulating, and Microbial-Modulating Activities of the Sustainable and Ecofriendly Spirulina. 2017.
  3. Szulinska M., Gibas-Dorna M., Miller-Kasprzak E., Suliburska J., Miczke A., Walczak-Gałezewska M., Stelmach-Mardas M., Walkowiak J., Bogdanski P.: Spirulina maxima improves insulin sensitivity, lipid profile, and total antioxidant status in obese patients with well-treated hypertension: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. 2017, 21: 2473-2481.

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