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CBD in the treatment of thyroid gland

CBD in the treatment of thyroid gland

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CBD is one of the major cannabis plant compounds. In the past few years, there has been a huge increase in interest in CBD supplementation. As a result of increasing popularity, scientists pay more and more attention in their research to capturing the various benefits and properties that comes with the use of CBD oils. So, thanks to their versatility and wide spectrum of activity, CBD oils and other cannabinoids through hormonal stimulation, can directly influence hormone levels and their work?

CBD in the treatment of thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone – basic knowledge

To understand the impact of CBD on the endocrine system it is necessary to get acquainted with the basic knowledge compendium on hormones, the endocrine system and their interrelationship. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the human body, responsible for the coordination and regulation of the most important processes taking place in the body, including:

  • growth,
  • development,
  • metabolism,
  • appetite,
  • sexual functions,
  • multiplication,
  • mood and well-being.

The hormonal system (endocrin) consists of various glands that produce hormones such as thyroid, pituitary gland, pancreas, pineal glands, etc. Hormones produced by these glands are particularly strong chemical substances that significantly affect the body, because The endocrine system is an important adaptation mechanism to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment.

The influence of CBD on hormones. CBD compound with the thyroid gland

Researchers have repeatedly demonstrated that the endocannabinoid system is also involved in the regulation of endocrine processes that directly affect the activity of the endocrine glands mentioned above (including thyroid gland). Therefore, appropriate stimulation of the endocannabinoid system using CBD has a direct effect on the hormonal level of the human body.

CBD in the treatment of thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism – otherwise overproduction of thyroid hormones.

Graves’ disease – a type of hyperthyroidism caused by excessive activity of the entire thyroid gland. The cause of Graves’ disease is abnormal functioning of the body’s immune system, which is responsible for fighting all diseases. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • anxiety and irritability,
  • slight trembling of hands and fingers,
  • hypersensitivity to elevated temperature in the environment,
  • excessive sweating,
  • sleep disorders,
  • diarrhea (despite a constant, constant diet and eating habits),
  • thyroid enlargement (so-called goiter),
  • disorders of menstrual cycles,
  • erectile dysfunction (men),
  • decreased libido (women),
  • protruding eyes (stare out),
  • fatigue,
  • irregular, accelerated heartbeat,
  • thick, red skin (around the tibia).

In the case of many patients struggling with overactive thyroid using cannabidiol, the relief of many negative symptoms of this disease has been noticed. Regular use of CBD oils allows you to return to normal body weight by stopping the existing diarrhea and restoring the patient’s appetite. CBD also eliminates persistent sleep disorders related to anxiety, irritability and anxiety that accompany Graves’ disease.  In addition, the CBD regulates the heart, the trembling of hands and fingers, as well as any muscular pains occurring with varying frequency and intensity in the patient.

CBD in the treatment of thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism – one of the most common diseases with hypothyroidism is:

Hashimoto – an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks thyroid cells, causing chronic thyroiditis as a result of stopping the production of its hormones. It is a very difficult disease to detect, most often occurring in mature women, however, often found in men, and even in young children. It is an autoimmune disease that arises as a result of the immune system’s mistake, in the consequence of which the body turns itself against itself, destroying thyroid proteins, recognizing them as hostile. The most common symptoms of Hashimoto:

  • fatigue,
  • powerlessness,
  • lethargy,
  • problems with concentration and concentration of attention,
  • irritability,
  • depressive states,
  • skin problems (dry skin),
  • constipation,
  • aching muscles and joints,
  • weight gain,
  • hair loss,
  • elevated cholesterol.

Due to its immunomodulatory properties and ingredients, CBD can bring positive reactions of the body not only in terms of alleviating the symptoms of thyroiditis, but also by acting directly on the destructive inflammatory process. Effective action of cannabidiol is confirmed in such autoimmune diseases as for example: multiple sclerosis or Crohn’s disease. To date, these assumptions have not been scientifically confirmed, but the whole allows us to look at the possible inhibition of thyroid cell destruction due to the positive properties and action of cannabidiol. Patients struggling with hypothyroidism also notice alleviation or even complete elimination of nagging headaches, muscles and joints. CBD allows restoring patients to a restful sleep, increase concentration, eliminating arduous tension and depression.

Thyroid nodular goiter is a condition where one or more nodules are located in the thyroid structure. The resulting nodules give off the wrong amount of hormones, disturbing the chemical balance of the human body. The use of CBD may have a significant impact on improving the patient’s health in this disease. There is a high probability that cannabinoids reduce nodules formed on the thyroid.

De Quervain’s disease – (subacute inflammation of the thyroid gland), although the etiology of the disease is not completely clear and known, its causes are sought in a viral infection. The most common symptoms of the de Quervain syndrome are:

  • neck pain,
  • fever,
  • thyroid function disorders.

CBD has strong anti-inflammatory properties, so it can be a reliable way to get rid of dangerous thyroid inflammation.

Thyroid cancer – affects a small percentage of the population (about 5%). Every year, researchers and researchers provide ever newer, more reliable information confirming the anti-cancer effect of cannabidiol. Although the mere introduction of CBD to the treatment process of the disease, it does not guarantee a complete disposal of its effects, for many patients is a source of elimination of nagging symptoms.

In particular, cannabidiol helps to eliminate or greatly alleviate such symptoms of the disease as:

  • tiredness, powerlessness,
  • pains of various origins (muscles, joints, head, migraines),
  • depressive states, irritability, fears, anxiety (more on the subject in the article – CBD and anxiety)
  • insomnia.

In addition, CBD, thanks to its properties, allows patients to reduce analgesics and sleeping pills, protecting the body against the possible risk of addiction to painkillers or hypnotics. A properly adjusted dose of the drug in the form of thyroid hormones (in the case of hypothyroidism) or blocking their production (in overactivity), appropriate diet and lifestyle in combination with CBD supplementation guarantees patients proper functioning. The best CBD products can be found here.

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Comments (2)

  • leslie green Reply

    I have be hit with grave’s disease back in 2015 i have had at that time a combination of both Thyroxine and carbimasol i also suffered Pretibia mixodema and eye trouble all the symptoms of thyroid disease. Cut a long story short after being scheduled for
    radioactive treatment to kill off my thyroid, i eventually had a full 2018 The thing is my symptoms of fatigue are the same if not worse than before Would CBD oil help in this respect how much should i take and is there a specific CBD oil that is best for my condition?

    6 April 2021 at 18:50
  • Noemi Reply

    Hello, very helpful article!!! Thank you! Could you please give some references to science studies regarding influence of CBD oil on thyroid health? Thanks!

    1 May 2021 at 19:09

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