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Where to buy hemp for fishing?

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Hemp seeds are an extremely nutritious food that is suitable for human and animal consumption. In addition to mammals and birds, hemp has also appealed to fish. Anglers around the world use hemp seeds as groundbait and even fish bait. Professionals and fishing enthusiasts alike point to the great effectiveness of using hemp to catch fish. What are the distinctive features of hemp when it comes to fishing? How to prepare them and what species of fish are most likely to take on hemp? Answers to these and other questions can be found in the rest of the article.

Are hemp seeds effective as fish bait?

Hemp is a product exceptionally rich in nutrients such as protein, fat and various types of micro and macro elements. Many popular fish species in Poland are fond of this type of food. Fishing stores offer ready-made mixtures, which also include ground hemp seeds, for baiting fish such as carp, amur, roach, barbel or tench…. This bait is characterized by quite high effectiveness, because it causes a feeling of insufficiency in fish. They continue to reach for another portion of food until they finally fall on the hook. It is not necessary to add any flavorings to them, they themselves are an excellent attractor. They quickly attract fish, especially carp in the fishery. Many professional anglers use hemp for baiting based on their own preparation methods. There are several ways in which hemp can be incorporated into bait and bait.

How to prepare hemp grains as fish bait?

There are many ready-made mixtures for baiting on the market: in the form of powder, balls, with the addition of corn, rapeseed and hemp. Hemp is among the smallest grains used as fish bait, so it must be properly prepared. There are several different methods of preparing the grain. These include roasting, boiling and fermenting. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is worth considering each of them.

Roasted hemp for fish

Pour the raw seeds into a dry frying pan and roast over low heat until the seed shells are browned. It is best to roast them in small batches stirring constantly, then we will avoid burning. Roasted seeds will taste similar to roasted sunflower seeds – they should be crunchy. Such seeds are poured into a bowl and set aside to cool. The seeds prepared in this way can then be changed. Depending on the degree of grinding, you can use them for bait balls – which fall to the bottom, so they will attract fish living there. If we have larger pieces of seeds, we can use them as groundbait, which will stay closer to the water surface and attract fish that like to surface frequently.

Hemp cooked for fish

This is one of the easiest ways to prepare. It only requires soaking the seeds one day before you plan to go fishing. Soak in a ratio of ¼ seeds, ¾ water. Some anglers also use a little salt or soda to soak. The finished seeds should begin to germinate, that is, their shell should be cracked and a white tail should protrude from this crack. Bring the seeds prepared in this way to a boil, remove from the heat, cover and set aside to swell. You can also boil the seeds longer so that they are very soft. They will then be a great groundbait, which will release into the water a lot of amino acids and flavors that attract fish. However, if our goal is to use the seed as bait and get it on the hook – this will not be the best solution. Since hemp is very fine and light, it should be scattered in the fishery with a bait rocket or taken out by boat. Keep the hemp wet in a bowl before reaching the fishing spot. Otherwise, they may dry out and stay on the surface of the water after being thrown into it, instead of sinking.

Fermented hemp for fish

This method is especially suitable for popular fisheries, where a lot of bait is thrown in. Fish in such cases develop a certain defense mechanism – they do not eat fresh bait that has just been thrown, because they know from experience that there may be a hook somewhere among it. They wait until it begins to ferment, usually this happens after a long time, when the anglers have gone – then they only eat the bait. The use of fermented hemp is, in a sense, a trap – fish associate fermented food with safety, they start eating it by falling on the hook. To prepare fermented hemp we follow the same procedure as for boiling. First we soak, then we boil the hemp. Finally, we tightly seal the hemp in a thermos that will keep it warm. As a result, in just a few hours the hemp will begin to ferment. After 4-6 days of such storage, you can use them directly for baiting.

How to put hemp seeds on the hook?

Barbs, tench and carp love hemp. In addition to using hemp as bait to attract fish, you can put it on the hook. In the case of boiled hemp, it is enough to place a single seed on a thin wire hook No. 18 or 16, and it should be placed on the butt of the hook in such a way that it does not obstruct the blade. You can also fish with six or even twelve grains strung with a needle on a hair set.

Which hemp seeds to choose as groundbait?

Whether the seeds are for humans or animals, they are the same plant varieties and seeds. Legally available in Poland, hemp food comes from varieties of fibrous hemp Cannabis sativa L.. However, in the case of fish food, it is worth paying attention to the origin of the seed, so that it is not a suspicious source without certificates and testing, to guard against buying contaminated hemp. Hemp has the ability to pull heavy metals and other contaminants out of the ground, so it’s worth taking care to keep it clean to avoid poisoning water bodies and fish.

Can hemp seeds pollute the waters?

Hemp is an extremely environmentally friendly food that does not pollute the waters into which it is thrown. Unlike other groundbaits, hemp, even fermented one, does not pollute the waters. They even have a purifying effect and benefit the biological balance of the lake or river. It is worth remembering to use only certified seeds free of heavy metals, pesticides and toxic additives.

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