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Wchich type of Cannabinoids is best for you

Cannabinoids - which type is best for you?

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CBD is amazing in terms of its properties. The pristine composition, free from any impurities, is the hallmark of the cultivation of this wonderful plant.
The hemp market continues to grow, facing the demands and needs of its consumers. In addition to the traditional, and most commonly used form of cannabidiol in the form of liquid CBD oil, companies are increasingly offering alternative ways of taking cannabis so as to reap the most benefits from the active substances it contains. Surely, facing the choice of the right cannabinoid for yourself, you are wondering what to follow, so this post is for you.

Cannabinoids – CBD oils

Application of the liquid form of CBD is made directly into the mouth using the included dropper. It is recommended to place the oil in the form of drops under the tongue.
What distinguishes CBD oil used in this form?

  • The highest quality hemp product, made possible by pristine hemp oils without unnecessary additional ingredients or impurities. CBD in liquid form is undoubtedly the most popular substance among the available range of hemp products, ease of use, the ability to adjust the percentage of CBD concentration in the product to your needs.

CBD Paste

Paste, or more precisely, concentrated CBD oil in paste form. Its properties and method of administration is similar to the application of the liquid form of CBD oil.
It is enough to squeeze a certain amount of drops under the tongue to consume the substances contained in the product.


CBD Green 30% Paste is a concentrated hemp product, one of the most potent in our store.

Cannabinoids – smoking

In this case, the main protagonist of CBD consumption is dried hemp. Followers of this traditional, multi-generational method use it most often to alleviate the persistent sensations that accompany quitting smoking, replacing tobacco with hemp. The downside of this form of absorption of substances from hemp is the release of harmful tar during the smoking process. Experts are increasingly suggesting the use of an alternative form of dry smoking, which is vapor inhalation, or vaporization.

Cannabinoids – vaporization

Vaporization (steam inhalation) – is a fairly new phenomenon on the Polish market, but its popularity is growing at an unimaginable pace. Among the cannabis products that will perfectly fulfill their function in the process of vaporization, we distinguish: WAX (wax), CBD crystal, CBD flowers and hash CBD (resin). We can say with certainty that vaporization is a forward-looking method that will enable people who supplement cannabinoids to eliminate toxic tar precipitated with smoke. Handy manual vaporizers are used for vapor inhalation.

Hemp ointment

Hemp CBD ointment is not only a skin care for the face and body, but above all a product useful in the fight against the skin’s lost radiance. CBD Salve hemp ointment is an ideal, healthy alternative to drugstore cosmetics. Reliability and satisfaction – this is what we can be sure of when we opt for the help of concentrated CBD in the form of an ointment. And on top of that, it’s 100% natural composition!

Maść CBD Salve

Salve CBD Ointment is a 100% natural and very versatile cosmetic.

Cannabinoids – hemp teas

Teas, commonly known as hemp infusions, are used as a dietary support supplement and as an herbal beverage. Due to the rather low absorption efficiency of cannabinoids in this method, it is worth combining this form with others – such as CBD oils. Hemp teas can be found made from hemp alone or with added ingredients for vitality, energy, metabolism or immunity!

Cannabinoids – a method to improve the quality of life

In conclusion, no matter which CBD hemp products you decide on, we are confident that you will soon become a faithful fan. Reviews from satisfied customers augur a bright future for all CBD products.
At the present moment, consumers have free access to many forms and uses of CBD properties. We encourage you to check out the popular article on our website.

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