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Forbidden Marketing. Does CBD Oil Have Anti-Aging Properties

Does CBD Oil have anti-aging properties? Forbidden marketing

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Are CBD oils the elixirs for fixing everything, including aging? Can they stop our bodies from aging, or at least slow down the rapid aging process? No one wants to be old and not well. More and more people are realizing that our diet, supplementation, and lifestyle play a significant role in the quality of life in old age! How we take care of ourselves will impact our well-being in later years. Can CBD oil help in this regard? Not according to the Sanitary Inspectorate (Sanepid)! Learn more!

Aging – is it irreversible?

Firstly, we must understand what aging is. It is a very natural process that awaits each of us! And it happens all the time. According to the PWN Encyclopedia, it is a gradual decrease in biological activity that begins around the age of 30! However, the process intensifies around the age of 60, when we can slowly start talking about old age. It is an irreversible process; it cannot be reversed. But it can be prevented prophylactically to slow down the rapid aging and extend good physical and mental fitness for many years!

So, it’s clear; we must age. But does it have to be something terrible? It doesn’t have to be! But you must take care of your body in advance and equip it with all possible tools to extend its efficiency. A healthy diet and lifestyle play a crucial role. What should not be missing in such an anti-aging diet? Antioxidants!

Antioxidants and slower aging

Antioxidants are natural compounds found in some foods and food products. How do they work? In short, they help cells from oxidizing and thus prevent them from deteriorating. Do you see their connection to aging? Or rather, to prevent aging?

A diet rich in antioxidants is the key to supporting the body, its functions, cell divisions, and the important system in aging: the immune system, which tends to falter more with age! How does all this relate to CBD oil? Or maybe it doesn’t relate at all?

Does CBD Oil have anti-aging effects?

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Many sellers and manufacturers praise their CBD products, claiming that CBD has antioxidants, is anti-oxidative, or generally has anti-aging properties. We can read about anti-wrinkle, anti-cancer, brain-supporting properties or that it helps with typical problems and diseases of old age. What does the Sanitary Inspectorate say about this? In official health statements allowed for use, there is no information about the properties of CBD. In fact, according to these documents, CBD has no properties that can be legally promoted in marketing their products. So, everyone writing about the effects of cannabidiol in a certain way on the human body is engaging in forbidden marketing. What’s the deal with CBD?

It all boils down to the fact that cannabidiol is a relatively young substance still under research, and no conclusions have been reached to introduce CBD properties for widespread use. Does this mean CBD doesn’t work? Studies on CBD, including its impact on aging and antioxidant content, are ongoing. Here are a few of them!

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD [3]

In this study, it can be read that CBD exhibits certain health properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ones. Researchers explored the therapeutic potential of cannabidiol in diseases associated with oxidative stress. CBD was recognized as an antioxidant. It was shown that CBD influences the redox balance by modifying the level and activity of both oxidants and antioxidants. Oxidative stress is a key element in the immune system’s response to combating pathogens and initiating tissue repair. However, metabolic modifications resulting from this process also have many negative aspects and lead to the development and/or exacerbation of many diseases. The endocannabinoid system, which includes receptors coupled with G proteins and their endogenous lipid ligands, is considered responsible for the therapeutic modulation of oxidative stress in various diseases. In this context, phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD), identified decades ago and capable of interacting with the endocannabinoid system, is a promising molecule for pharmacotherapy!

Therapeutic action of CBD-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and scars [4]

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Aging is apparent at first glance on the skin, which becomes saggy, inelastic, and thin. It is often covered with changes indicating old age and skin diseases. Does CBD have any effect on the skin? If it didn’t, adding it to cosmetics would be pointless! Researchers examined 20 people with skin problems: psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, as well as scars resulting from these diseases. In individuals who used CBD ointments, an improvement in the skin’s condition was observed, supporting the fight against symptoms, especially in patients where inflammatory reactions were responsible for the skin’s condition. No allergies or irritations were observed after using the ointment.

Evidence of therapeutic properties of cannabidiol (CBD) in Alzheimer’s Disease [5]

Old age often brings mental health problems. Alzheimer’s disease is one of those diseases associated with older people. So far, there is no 100% effective cure for it! However, promising results of studies on CBD and this neurodegenerative disease have been discovered by researchers. Studies show CBD’s ability to reduce reactive gliosis and neuroinflammatory responses, as well as to promote neurogenesis. Importantly, CBD also reverses and prevents the development of cognitive deficits in rodent studies. Interestingly, combined therapies of CBD and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main active ingredient in marijuana, show that CBD can antagonize (reduce) the psychoactive effects associated with THC and probably provide greater therapeutic benefits than CBD alone. Studies provide evidence that combinations of CBD and possibly CBD-THC are important candidates for new Alzheimer’s disease therapies. Researchers say further studies should focus on the long-term potential of CBD and evaluate the mechanisms involved in the described therapeutic effects.


Why then are all these pieces of information forbidden, and they cannot be included in materials promoting CBD products? If we don’t want to break the law and expose ourselves to serious consequences, we cannot tell customers about the effects of CBD. This is all due to prevailing regulations! Until CBD gains officially confirmed properties through research and the results of these studies, any promotion of CBD oils as anti-aging products is entirely prohibited. However, it is worth keeping track of the latest reports from researchers—both Polish and foreign—and staying updated on available online research.


  1. Encyclopedia PWN;3979189.html
  2. Encyclopedia PWN 
  3. Sinemyiz Atalay, Iwona Jarocka-Karpowicz, Elzbieta Skrzydlewska „Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol”
  4. B Palmieri, C Laurino, M Vadalà „A therapeutic effect of cbd-enriched ointment in inflammatory skin diseases and cutaneous” scars
  5. Georgia Watt, Tim Karl „In vivo Evidence for Therapeutic Properties of Cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s Disease”

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