Hemp & Research

what is THCA

THCA - what is it?

As a plant rich in various groups of compounds, cannabis also has many types of cannabinoids. One of them is THCA, which at first glance may be associated with THC and its isomers, such as the psychoactive delta-9-THC, but will have slightly different properties. As studies have shown, in the...

hemp impiurities

Impurities in hemp

The hemp market continues to grow, with new manufacturers beginning to offer a wider range of products. But does more choice go hand in hand with higher quality? Considering the fact that hemp is particularly vulnerable to various types of contamination, while the hemp market is still not fully regulated,...

CBD oil color

Color of a CBD oil

More and more CBD oils are appearing on the CBD market with varying colors. Consumers often ask themselves: what is the correct color of CBD oil? It turns out that depending on the type of extract, the type of extraction or the base substance used, CBD oils can have different...

good CBD oil

How to choose a good CBD oil?

The Polish hemp market is growing at a dizzying pace. Growing customer awareness, but also general interest in natural dietary supplements, means that the number of manufacturers of such products is increasing rapidly with each passing month. We realize that for a person who has never been exposed to the...

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BIODIO Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
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