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can CBD help you with insomnia

How can CBD help you with insomnia?

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Do you roll from side to side at night, unsuccessfully trying to fall asleep? Are you counting down how many hours of sleep you have left if you fall asleep at this point? It could be insomnia!

Before you reach for pills from the drugstore, see what nature has to offer.

Insomnia – where does it come from?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes us to not sleep deeply enough, have trouble falling asleep, and even if we do sleep – we do not rest at all. It can occur only sometimes and for a short time. However, the real problem arises when this condition persists for a long time.

It is usually the result of stress, anxiety and bad mood. And it’s a bane these days. Do you know someone who has no worries at all? Well, that’s right! One of hemp’s phytonutrients, CBD, comes to the rescue.

Insomnia and CBD. CBD oil in the fight against insomnia

CBD has a positive effect on the nervous system. Thanks to its properties, it is beneficial for healthy sleep. How does it actually work?

CBD soothes nerves and calms down

Many people point to a flurry of thoughts, stress, anxiety as the cause of sleep difficulties. During the day, when we are busy with responsibilities, we put all these problems aside. And as soon as our head touches the pillow, we finally have a moment to… think and torment ourselves.

CBD oil used during the day supports our resistance to stress, and a portion taken just before bedtime will facilitate relaxation and, as a result, we will fall asleep faster than usual. With prolonged use of CBD oil, our battered nerves will feel the effect and we will be calmer already during the day. In addition, CBD oil affects our brain, supporting it in mental effort. Such a brain will be able to rest better, and you will feel sleepy and full of energy in the morning.

CBD in the fight against pain

Many times the reason for our insomnia is discomfort or pain. A sore back after a day of cleaning, knees that begin to bother while resting, or even a simple headache. All these and many other unpleasant discomforts can effectively hinder us from falling asleep.

CBD oil, thanks to its relaxing effect, will make the pain less severe for you, and even disappear! If inflammation is at the root of the pain, then this supplement should also interest you. It contains in its composition terpenes responsible for fighting just it! A-bisabol l, Humulene and Eucalyptol – all three fight inflammation, and less inflammation, means less pain!

In addition, CBD oil and the phytochemicals in it interact with our endocannabinoid system, which regulates not only our appetite and other basic activities, but also our perception of pain.


CBD Oil 10% Natural – 10ml is one of our bestselling hemp supplements.

Why is hemp oil suitable?

There are many hemp seed oil supplements on the market. It is important to buy a good-quality supplement so that it can effectively help us enjoy a night’s sleep during a well-earned rest.

When using CBD oil, you don’t have to swallow any pills that irritate the digestive system. You are introducing naturally derived ingredients into your body. In addition, the way the oil is applied (on the mucous membrane, under the tongue) makes supplementation extremely easy.

With just a few drops, you can enjoy a healthy night’s sleep and get up in the morning rested and full of strength to face everyday life!

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