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uses and properties of ginger

Properties and uses of ginger

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Ginger is a type of perennial plant in the ginger family. It is a very common plant, as it is an ingredient in curry paste, gingerbread spice, and we increasingly use it in healthy smoothies that support our immunity. In addition, it benefits our digestive system – digestion, relieves nausea and aids appetite [1].

The extract obtained from ginger is a mixture of many biologically active compounds, which vary depending on where the ginger is found and its form of administration. Biowen’s bio ginger is a product of 100% organic ingredients. It is created by drying and powdering fresh ginger rhizome. Biowen ginger is a product free of pesticide, herbicide and heavy metal contamination.

Pro-health effects of ginger

Ginger contains compounds that exhibit antioxidant activity, that is, it contains such substances that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are molecules formed during smoking, inhalation of exhaust fumes and during stress. They contribute to skin aging, cancer, atherosclerosis and many other diseases. So it is worth including ginger in your daily diet, which additionally has a sensational taste.

Ginger also has an antiemetic effect, so we can use it for people who have motion sickness. Ginger can additionally work well as an antiemetic for pregnant women. It can be consumed with water, but also as a side dish or in tablet form.

Interestingly, ginger may also show beneficial effects in allergies and asthma, as it positively affects the health of the respiratory system. In addition, thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, it benefits the cardiovascular system. Ginger may also have an effect on lowering the fraction of LDL lipoproteins, which in excess negatively affect health.

Bio imbir
Bio Ginger – 100% powdered

Ginger – use in the kitchen

Ginger is an ingredient that has cemented itself as a permanent addition to sushi. It works perfectly to cleanse the taste buds, so we can feel the flavor much more clearly when eating. In addition, it is a permanent addition to curry paste and gingerbread spice. Ginger goes perfectly with both sweet and dry dishes. In autumn you should bet on warming soup with pumpkin and ginger and the famous lattes with pumpkin and ginger. In winter, on the other hand, it can be found in gingerbread cookies, mulled wine and beer.

An ideal combination for those who like Asian flavors is homemade curry paste made with ginger, combined with coconut milk and rice noodles. In addition, ginger will work well in healthy shots with the addition of turmeric, pepper, honey and orange. Drinking such precious shots will boost immunity and take care of the body’s vitality.

When choosing ginger, it is best to be guided by its quality. Biowen ginger is an organic product, free from impurities that can negatively affect the functioning of the body. We can give organic ginger from Biowen to our loved ones without worrying about the purity of its composition.

Who should not use ginger?

Ginger is not recommended for people with gastroesophageal reflux and stomach ulcers. In addition, it should not be given to young children in excessive quantities, as it is a fairly pungent spice.


  1. Tôrres de Lima R. M., Campinho dos Reis A., Melo de Menezes A. P., de Oliveira Santos J. V., Gomes de Oliveira Filho J. W., de Oliveira Ferreira J. R., Oliveira Barros de Alencar M. V., Oliveira Ferreira da Mata A. M., Chan I. N., Islam A., Jamal Uddin S., Ali E. S., Torequl Islam M., Tripathi S., Kumar Miśra S., Mubarak M. S., De Carvalho Melo-Cavalcante A. A.: Protective and therapeutic potential of ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract and [6]-gingerol in cancer: A comprehensive review. 2018. 

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