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With CBD on vacation - important informations

With CBD on vacation?

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Update: June 22, 2022

With CBD on vacation? Learn the most important information!

Summer is the season for vacation trips, excursions and lots of sightseeing. Sometimes we also allow ourselves a lot more in terms of diet and nutrition. Does this affect whether we can use CBD oil while drinking alcohol, for example? And what about trips abroad? While in Poland CBD regulations are well-known and we all know that CBD oils are legal to use, the situation may be different abroad. However, does this mean that CBD oil supplementation should be discontinued for the duration of holiday sojourns? We answer these questions in this article “With CBD on vacation”! Sit back and read what to do with CBD on vacation.

Can taking CBD oil with you on vacation to another country cause problems?

If you are planning to go abroad, you have to reckon with the fact that each country has different laws and they must be strictly obeyed if you don’t want to face fines, penalties or even more serious consequences. The fact that in Poland CBD oils are legal and can contain trace amounts of THC is something we all know. But how is it with other countries?

Here, things change from country to country, and depending on where you go, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules in each country. But before we present some of the most popular vacation destinations, we still want to remind you about how to travel with CBD oil in general. It’s a good idea if your product is in its original box, you keep the receipt, and you have the production batch tests for that product with you. If you buy Hempking products, you don’t have to worry – you get both the receipt and the phytonutrient analysis with your order! Just pack them in your holiday suitcase and in case of an inspection – just show them! Provided that the country you are traveling to and through recognizes CBD full spectrum oil as legal!

Can CBD oil be used during severely hot weather?

CBD oil does not change its effect depending on the temperature outside. But combining CBD and high temperatures can harm the oil itself! Store CBD oil at cooler temperatures, at least at room temperature. Do not overheat it and keep it, for example, on a windowsill in full sunlight or in a car left in a parking lot that has warmed up to high temperatures. This can destroy the substances in CBD oil and make it less valuable. So if you plan to take CBD oil with you on a trip, make sure you’ll be able to store it in the right conditions: tightly sealed in a container, in a dark and cool place.

Is it possible to use CBD oil after drinking alcohol?

Research on CBD is still ongoing, but there is a lack of officially confirmed results from these studies. One such study conducted, the results of which were published in the journal Pharmacology [1] yielded inconclusive conclusions. It found that people who consumed alcohol along with CBD had lower blood alcohol levels than people who consumed the same amount of alcohol but without CBD. At the same time, studies previously conducted on animals showed no such relationship. It was also shown that this group of people who consumed alcohol and CBD had more impaired motor functions than the group who consumed alcohol alone.

It’s worth remembering that when mixing alcohol with any supplement, especially a plant-based one, be careful. Alcohol can enhance the effects of supplements. By doing so, we may feel the negative effects of alcohol consumption even more acutely or disrupt our supplementation process.

In which countries can we have oils with us, and in which not?

In Ukraine, Russia or Belarus, hemp products are usually illegal. In contrast, those that are legal in Poland with THC up to 0.2% are completely banned. In these parts it is better to go without CBD oil. In contrast, Poland’s western neighbors like Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands have a similar attitude to CBD and full spectrum oils as Poland. So there we can easily go with our hemp supplement.

Popular destinations like Greece, Italy, Croatia and Bulgaria will also be suitable places to relax without interrupting CBD supplementation.



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