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CBD and its anti-aging properties - Keep your youth for longer

Keep your youth for longer - CBD and its anti-aging properties

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Who among us does not dream of maintaining a healthy and beautiful appearance for a long time? Although we can’t cheat nature and sooner or later skin aging will begin its inexorable process in each of us, we are able to significantly delay it. No no, we are not at all referring to some magic potions straight from a witch’s hut. Today we want to convince you that the active ingredients, contained in CBD oil, can be an effective support for the body in the fight against the aging process. How is this possible? Anti-aging CBD? Check out how to keep your youth with CBD!

What affects skin aging?

Skin aging is a natural process that occurs in our body, which involves a decrease in the biological activity of our cells. Regenerative processes slow down and we lose the so-called adaptive abilities of our system. Of course, there are many reasons causing faster or slower changes, but today we need to give you special emphasis on those over which we have real influence. As it turns out, not only the right supplementation, but also a change of lifestyle, to which we strongly encourage you from the beginning of our activity, are able to protect you from premature aging.

Factors affecting skin aging

Skin aging is determined by three types of factors:

  • genetic, over which we generally have no control,
  • external, against which we can easily protect ourselves with little effort,
  • internal, which we will focus on today.

Examples of external factors over which we have real influence include UV radiation, smoking, lack of proper care or an unhealthy diet. As we mentioned above, developing good, healthy habits in ourselves will be the basis for maintaining a healthy and beautiful appearance, but remember that this is a component. We are still left with internal factors, and it is these that we will focus on in today’s article.

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Internal factors affecting skin aging

This type of factor is directly related to the state of our body’s overall health. They include, for example, hormonal malfunctions or vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies, which directly contribute to the development of so-called free radicals. This is a very short way to rapid aging of the skin and general disorder of the body.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are formed in our body both by the effects of external factors and by the lack of adequate levels of vitamins. The adverse effects of free radicals are the destruction of proteins in the skin cell membrane, the destruction of lipids and enzymes. This consequently leads to this damage to naturally occurring collagen and elastin, and this already has a direct impact on the appearance of our skin. So our secret weapon to fight free radicals is the elimination of external factors. This can include giving up smoking cigarettes or no direct exposure to the sun. However, there is something else… antioxidants, which can inhibit excessive free radical activity, thus preventing their devastating effects on the skin.

Skin aging and antioxidants

Antioxidants are nothing more than protective and regenerative support for our skin. They are the complete opposite of free radicals. They stand in complete opposition and are one of the most important elements for us to focus on.

It is accepted that the best and most effective antioxidants that Mother Nature has to offer us are vitamin C and E. Not everyone knows that the active ingredients, contained in CBD oils, also exhibit antioxidant activity. This makes CBD a great tool in the hands of anyone who wants to effectively fight the first signs of aging.

Aging skin versus CBD supplementation

The antioxidant properties of cannabinoids are not the only aspect worth knowing about. CBD oils are rich in active ingredients that can have a salutary effect on the skin. They not only provide it with the right level of hydration, but also restore the youthful glow that can start to be missing over the years. If you want fresh-looking skin, also remember to get your daily dose of exercise and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. CBD oil is an additional support that will complement a healthy lifestyle, and at the same time allow you to maintain not only a youthful appearance, but also a good mood – and what rejuvenates us more than a sincere, wide smile?

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How to provide the body with antioxidants?

You need to be aware that the popular antioxidants supplied with plants, vegetables and fruits in today’s era of urbanization and environmental pollution, are not as effective as they once were. It is already very difficult to find good quality, pesticide-free and artificial fertilizer-free plants in our stores. The trend is unfortunately on the rise all the time. CBD oils can be a good supplement to a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables. CBD is a cannabinoid that constantly surprises us and at the same time develops even more passion in us.

Skin aging and CBD supplementation in practice

How to use CBD to give yourself the best support in the fight against aging? All you need to do is ingest one drop of our oil three times a day every day. First, take it under your tongue and hold it there for 30 seconds (this is very important, because it is through the mucous membranes that the valuable ingredients are absorbed the fastest), then swallow the rest. That’s it ? Quick, simple and pleasant… how valuable!

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