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Is RSO oil safe?

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Have you heard of RSO hemp oil yet? If you’re interested in the topic of hemp, I’m sure this name has come up somewhere in the materials you’ve browsed, perhaps you’ve come across it in a social media comment. Someone may have recommended it to you. What is it actually? Today, we’re going to give you a handful of facts about RSO oil.

RSO oil – What is it?

RSO hemp oil takes its name from Canadian native Rick Simpson. Rick Simpson Oil was originally marketed in 2003, but in Poland the first mentions of it were more than a decade later!

RSO hemp oil is not the same hemp oil as CBD oil. It is made from cannabis, which is illegal in Poland. RSO oil mainly contains high concentrations of THC, as well as other cannabinoids. It is produced with the use of a rather controversial method that involves heating hemp to high temperatures. This is when many of the substances in cannabis decompose, and what remains is mainly THC.

As Rick Simpson himself says – he created a cure for cancer. But, is it true?

thc and rso oil

RSO oil – How it works?

RSO is recommended by its enthusiasts to those suffering from various cancers, nervous system diseases like multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.

It is worth mentioning that RSO oil is illegal in Poland. It contains way too much THC in its composition, exceeding the legal concentration standards that apply not only in Poland, but also in many countries in Europe and the world.

Additionally, it is produced from cannabis, which is illegal in Poland, and which by nature has high levels of the psychoactive THC in it. 

How to use?

RSO oil is used in exactly the same way as legal CBD oils. After determining the right portion for you, you take a measured amount of drops under your tongue and wait for the oil to be absorbed.

If you are interested in a THC therapy, visit an appropriate doctor and ask for a prescription for medical marijuana, which may contain higher concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the only legal way to use higher concentrations of THC than what is available in CBD oil – the oil you can buy legally in Poland.

RSO oil – Where to buy?

Unfortunately, obtaining RSO oil is not easy. If you are thinking about where to buy RSO oil, first of all you need to know what to look out for.

The method of producing RSO is quite controversial. It removes many components from cannabis and can leave residue in the final product from the solvent that was used to extract the cannabinoids.
Secondly, in the case of products that are not subject to any regulation, you need to be aware that the raw material used may be of poor quality. Hemp may contain harmful chemicals, pesticides or other artificial ingredients.

Another problem is that RSO cannabis oil is illegal in Poland, and possessing or consuming it can have legal consequences.

See also:

CBD capsules – a convenient alternative

CBG – Everything You Need to Know

The synergy effects of CBD and CBG


  1. Health Line „Rick Simpson oil cancer”

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