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Books on cannabis that are worth reading

Books on hemp that are worth reading

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All hemp enthusiasts know very well how many properties this unique plant has, as well as how useful it is. The number of publications devoted to hemp is really impressive – from items devoted to health, medicine, the effect of individual compounds contained in hemp, to aspects of wellness, beauty, environmental protection, to hemp construction. Get to know a few books on hemp that are sure to interest you.

biblia cbd Gordon DaniThe CBD Bible: Cannabis AND the Wellness Revolution that Will Change Your Life, Dani Gordon, 2021
This is a book for people interested in natural ways to take care of their health. It contains a number of practical tips on the use of CBD-containing extracts to alleviate various ailments, as well as in the context of preventive health care. The author of the book is Gordon Dani – a Canadian physician and international authority on natural medicine and the use of hemp. In her comprehensive guide, the author debunks popular myths about CBD, explains the mechanism of action of this compound, and suggests what type of treatment will be appropriate in various cases.



Marihuana i Medycyna, Michael BackesCannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana, Michael Backes, 2015
Explaining the effects of medical marijuana on the human body is quite a challenge. It was taken up by Michael Backes – a specialist in the science behind the use of cannabis in medicine, in his book “Marijuana and Medicine”. The item treats not only the use of cannabis in medicine – the most popular medical varieties, the effects of marijuana on the human body or its dosage in various disease entities are also described.



Konopie i marihuana w kuchni Małgorzata Szukała”Konopie i marihuana w kuchni” – Cannabis and marijuana in the kitchen, Małgorzata Szakuła, 2021
This is the first book of its kind available in Poland, and one of the few available in Europe treating hemp cuisine comprehensively. The book, authored by Polish blogger Małgorzata Szakuła, contains dozens of recipes using food made from hemp seeds, as well as infusions – homemade extracts made from hemp seed and medical marijuana. This is not just a cookbook, in addition to recipes and the most important principles of hemp cuisine, there is an extensive factual section on the properties of individual products and their effects on the human body.



Kannabidiol leczy, Bogdan Jot”Kannabidiol leczy” – Cannabidiol Cures, Bogdan Jot, 2018
Another book by a Polish author and a great reason to be proud – because the item is a true compendium of knowledge about CBD. The book’s author, Bogdan Jot, who also has other hemp publications to his credit, this time describes the effects of CBD and the mechanisms that occur in the human body thanks to it. The book includes an impressive overview of research devoted to CBD, a good dose of practical knowledge and information on how to choose the best cannabidiol preparation.



CBD dla urody, Dr Manisha SingalThe CBD Skincare Solution: The Power of Cannabidiol for Healthy Skin, Dr Manisha Singal, 2021
The amount of CBD cosmetics available on the market is another important trend in the hemp industry, as the effects of this compound on the skin are scientifically proven. The author, Dr. Manisha Singal, shares valuable knowledge on this subject of using CBD for skin problems, serious dermatological conditions, and as a support for daily skin care. A must-have for any fan of natural cosmetics.



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