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properties, dosage, occurrence of Vitamin C

Vitamin C - properties, dosage, occurrence

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Vitamin C is an extremely important substance in our body. We need it so that our body can properly develop, regenerate and function. What are its properties? How to take this vitamin? Where does it occur? And finally – which one to choose? We will try to answer these and many other questions right away

Vitamin C – what is it responsible for?

What vitamin C is responsible for seems logical. We take it when we feel a cold catching us. But is that where its properties end? In the old days, its deficiency caused, for example, scurvy, a popular disease of sailors. What vitamin C gives, however, is more than just helping with a cold or protecting against scurvy! If you are asking yourself, “vitamin C – what does it work for?” then learn about its properties!


  • strengthens immunity
  • supports the production of white blood cells
  • enhances absorption of iron
  • has a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels
  • and thus can prevent atherosclerosis
  • fights free radicals
  • aids regeneration
  • supports healing of skin and bones
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • may help regulate blood pressure
  • influences blood glucose levels
  • improves our mood and well-being

This is what vitamin C is responsible for in our bodies. [1] Some also believe that regular use of vitamin C can prolong life, by protecting us from various dangerous diseases.

Where does vitamin C occur?

It is well known that all vitamins and nutrients are good to get from natural sources in our diet – which should be balanced and varied! Where vitamin C is found is not a secret, but rather a knowledge passed down to us from our great grandfather! Vitamin C is found in:

  • citrus fruits
  • wild rose
  • black and red currants
  • strawberries
  • peppers
  • sauerkraut
  • green vegetables
  • parsley

Which is the best?

Which of these vitamins have you heard of? Maybe you used some of them?

  • vitamin C powder – that is, one that can be dissolved in juice, water, added to a smoothie. A very convenient product that many of us opt for!
  • left-handed vitamin C – left-handed vitamin C is, so to speak, has become a myth that harms. At one point, everyone was looking for the left-handed one, which is supposedly better than the right-handed one. It turns out that…they are all the same, and the confusion arose from confusion between the concepts of optical torsion and spatial isometry .
  • natural vitamin C – that is, the one we always recommend! There are natural and synthetic products, vitamins too. It is worth paying attention to this when shopping, so that we do not accidentally use chemicals unnecessarily in our lives, when we have at hand gifts directly from nature.
  • in drops – this is a great solution for children and for very precise measurement of portions of vitamin C. With this solution, vitamin C also does not need to be unnecessarily modified into tablet form and remain natural.
  • vitamin C liquid – this is also a super addition to beverages, to drink or to…add to cosmetics!
  • tablets – one of the most convenient forms of taking vitamins. Just one tablet a day, with a meal or just after, and your entire daily supplementation is ready!
  • capsules – this is a form of taking liquid vitamins, but with the convenience of a tablet!

So which is the best one? The answer is not simple and is a very individual matter! It all depends on our needs, state of health and taste and ability to take!
We, of course, recommend those vitamins that are natural, come from good sources and are highly concentrated, such as in extract form. This is important, because a poor quality product can be less effective or reduce the absorption of the vitamin! And then, even if you take the right amount of the chosen preparation, only a small amount is absorbed!

Vitamin C – dosage

Standard vitamin C contains 1000 mg per serving (be sure to pay attention to this!).
How much to take daily? Here you need to follow the recommendations, but also understand that how much you need depends on several factors:

  • age
  • gender
  • state of health

Vitamin C in the diet of children is about 40 mg Vitamin C for adults is about 100-200 mg per day. In case of illness – colds, infections of various types, you can take a little more to support the body.

Above all, it is important to follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the particular preparation you are taking, because different concentrations of vitamin C mean that different portions are recommended for daily intake.

Where to buy this vitamin?

Vitamin C is commonly found under various forms in pharmacies, neighborhood stores, markets or online stores. You can buy high-quality, well-absorbed and organically certified vitamins at the Hempking hemp store.


  1. Statements;id=1144340
  2. Izielnik

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